
Your search for "Neutropenie" gave back 2 results.


Zeidler C, Reiter A, Müller W, Riehm H, Welte K (1989). Monatsschrift Kinderheilk 137(8):553 (abstract #268)
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Therapy Zeidler C, Reiter A, Müller W, Riehm H, Welte K (1989). Monatsschrift Kinderheilk 137(8):553 (abstract #268)


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Dear patients, please find below publications on neutropenia. You can also select topic-related manuscripts, by clicking on the following selection of key words:

Autoimmune Neutropenia    Basic Research    Congenital Neutropenia    Congenital Neutropenia - ELANE+    Cyclic Neutropenia    Gycogen Storage Disease Type 1b    Kostmann's Disease - HAX1    Leukemia    Pregnancy    Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome    Therapy


  • Koch C,...
Search snippet: 
... Faktor bei Patienten mit schwerer kongenitaler Neutropenie. Klin. Pädiatr. 205(4): 264-271 Zeidler C, Kanz L, Hurkuck F, ...